Sunday, August 18, 2013

I'm starting this blog mainly to document the projects I work on or help with. These laser cut acrylic Pac-Man earrings are a cool design. I didn't work on the design, but I helped get the laser cut done.

This is an Arduino music instrument that I am working on. I plan on documenting my projects in more detail. For now I figured I would share a few pictures.

One of 8 robots I made for the Queen Creek Robotics Night.

Another things that interests me as I keep track of my projects is taking notes on who has helped me with my projects. I get lots of help from others at HeatSync Labs.


  1. those earrings are awesome! when you're done with the instrument you should post a vid to show it in action!

    1. I will video it working. Perhaps even before I finalize the design. I am writing code to make it record what is played.
